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CMU 30 and CMU 80 Cross-Section Measuring Devices

  • Universal
  • Specimen measurement

Specimen dimension influences the test results

Cross-section measurement determines the thickness and width of a dimensionally stable specimen made of metal, plastic, composites or other materials.

To determine the load bearing capacity of the material, the specimen is then subjected to a tensile test or a flexure test. Precise measurement of the cross-section is required to accurately determine the tensile or flexural stress.

ZwickRoell offers cross-section measuring devices for determining the specimen thickness and width with precision. The heart of the device is a closed frame with four incremental measuring transducers mounted on it. The specimen thickness and width are measured differentially by each pair of transducers.

The values from the sensors are recorded by an electronics unit, while a programmable logic controller (PLC) takes care of control and data link functions. Each centering ring in the width and thickness direction ensures correct alignment and a secure specimen position during the cross-section measurement. Operation is via a color touch panel, from which the measured values can be read. The basic settings of the unit can also be configured here.

Advantages & features



  • High-accuracy cross-section measurement, highly resistant to temperature influences due to use of a differential measuring-system with 4 high-resolution measuring-transducers mounted on an enclosed frame.
  • Operator influence largely eliminated (e.g. via centering units in width and thickness orientations) for high test-result repeatability.
  • Cross-section measuring unit can be used as a central dimension-measuring station in conjunction with CMUshare software. Assignment of data to correct specimen ensured by use of labeling (e.g. via barcode or felt pen).


After the unit has been switched on it is adjusted by measurement of a reference dimension (adjustment can be repeated periodically if required) andt is so ready to begin measuring.


For specimen measurement the 'width' centering unit is opened, the specimen inserted and the centering unit closed by releasing the opening lever.

A button is then pressed on the display (or in testXpert Testing Software) and the measuring sequence is performed automatically as follows. The 'thickness' centering unit closes, the measuring transducers are applied, then withdrawn once measurement is complete. The measured value is then displayed and transmitted elsewhere if required. If multiple measurements have been selected, the specimen is repositioned by the operator and a new measurement cycle is started. When the pre-selected number of measurements is reached, the average value or minimum value (as desired) is determined and transferred if required.


The CMU80 is equipped with automatic clamping, width-centering and measurement-frame positioning. Following insertion of the specimen the measurement sequence is fully automatic for both single and triple measurement.


The cross-section measuring units communicate via a serial port. In the basic version, values are transmitted directly to the specimen data for the specimen selected in testXpert Testing Software. The optionally available 'CMUshare' software enables the cross-section measuring units to be used as a central measuring station for multiple network-connected testing machines. CMUshare also supports the use of barcodes for specimen identification.

Measurement range and accuracy of the cross-section measuring devices

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  • Product information: CMU 30 and CMU 80 PDF 718 KB