autoEdition3 Automation Software
- Automation
Special feature
- Powerful, modular software platform
- Traceable, tamper-proof results
The powerful, modular software platform for automation tasks
autoEdition consists of multiple individual components such as the specimen database, sequence controller, device drivers and optional additional components. The components are linked via the COM/DCOM software bus.
autoEdition runs on a self-contained industrial computer and Windows 10.
Advantages & features
autoEdition3 automation software controls and monitors automatic sequences, components and devices. It can be used across all industries and is designed for a wide range of different automation tasks.
It consists of the following components:
- basic package (always required)
- device drivers
- sequence controller
- engineering
- Immediately upon starting autoEdition3, the user experiences the benefits of intuitive operation from a look and feel that is consistent with the testXpert III user interface.
- In combination with testXpert III, the autoEdition3 program delivers traceable and tamper-proof results.
- Secure data storage through simple backup and restore functions via our workflow wizard or 1 Click Image.
- Optionally, test results are quickly and easily available across platforms via visualization.
- Optionally, the data generated by the robot are immediately available in the form of text messages, emails and via Web.
- With the optional and fully administrable Gateway PC, autoEdition3 offers an OS-independent connection with the customer’s IT environment.
- The autoEdition3 program was developed with a basis on the fundamentals and principles of Industry 4.0, that is cyber-physical systems (CPS).
Related products and accessories
Lightweight Robot roboTest N
Automated function testing of simple applications in small series
To the product
- Plastics
- Metals
- Medical
- Components
Type of test
- Tensile
- Flexure
- Compression
- Impact
Specimen range
- lightweight specimens
- Small series
- ISO 6892
- ISO 527-2
- ISO 178
- ASTM D638
Robotic Testing System roboTest L
For automated tensile tests and flexure tests
To the product
- Plastics
- Metals
- Composites
- Rubber
- Medical
Type of test
- Tensile
- Flexure
Specimen range
- Specimens up to 1 kg
- ISO 6892
- JIS Z2201
- ISO 527-2
- ASTM D790
- ISO 178
Robotic Testing System roboTest R
For automated tensile, flexure and compression tests and complex test tasks
To the product
- Plastics
- Metals
- Composites
- Rubber
- Medical
Type of test
- Tensile
- Flexure
- Compression
- Impact
Specimen range
- Specimens up to 30 kg
- Complex test tasks
- ISO 6892
- ISO 527-2
- ISO 178
- ASTM D638
Robotic Testing System roboTest P
For automated tensile tests and complex test tasks on metals
To the product
- Metals
Type of test
- Tensile
Specimen range
- Specimens up to 10 kg
- Complex test tasks
- ISO 6892
Robotic Testing System roboTest C
For automated tensile tests on metals (small series)
To the product
- Metals
Type of test
- Tensile
Specimen range
- Specimens up to 5 kg, small series
- ISO 6892
- JIS Z 2201
Robotic Testing System roboTest F
For automated tensile tests on non-rigid specimens
To the product
- Films
- Textiles
Type of test
- Tensile
Specimen range
- Non-rigid specimens
- ISO 6892
- ISO 527
- ASTM D638
Robotic testing system roboTest H
For automated impact tests (Charpy/Izod)
To the product
- Plastics
Type of test
- Charpy impact test
- Izod impact test
Specimen range
- Cooled specimens
- ISO 179-1
- ISO 180
- ASTM D256
Robotic testing system roboTest I
For automated impact tests on tempered metal specimens (Charpy) or PE/PP specimens (Charpy/Izod)
To the product
- Metals
- Plastics
Type of test
- Charpy impact test
- Izod impact test
Specimen range
- Cooled specimens
- ASTM E23
- ISO 148
- ISO 179
- ASTM D256
- ISO 180
Robotic Testing System roboTest X
For automated testing of special applications
To the product
- Universal
- Components
Type of test
- Tensile
- Compression
- Flexure
- Special applications