Metals Testing
Metals testing sangat penting di seluruh dunia, karena logam adalah bahan utama untuk konstruksi dan akan terus berlanjut di masa depan. Tingginya persentase material baja dapat didaur ulang berkali-kali dan karena itu dianggap berkelanjutan. Pengetahuan tentang characteristic material data sangat penting bagi para desainer dan pengguna akhir. Data material diperoleh dari teknologi mekanis materials testing, di mana mesin penguji logam memuat material hingga gagal. Mesin uji dari ZwickRoell Group memastikan hasil tes yang dapat direproduksi dan dapat diandalkan. Hal ini didasarkan pada metode pengujian logam yang terstandardisasi secara internasional sesuai dengan ISO standards dan ASTM standards.
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang metode pengujian logam yang paling penting dan metal testing machineskami:
Heavy plate Sheet metal dan strips Thin sheet metal Bars dan rods Wires dan cables Castings dan forgings Fastening elements Tubes
Para spesialis kami di laboratorium pengujian aplikasi menguji produk baru dan melakukan pengujian untuk pelanggan kami. Dengan cara ini, mereka memvalidasi kesesuaian peralatan uji untuk jenis pengujian yang diperlukan. ZwickRoell terlibat erat dalam pengembangan standar di tingkat nasional dan internasional melalui partisipasinya dalam berbagai komite standar, misalnya di bidang metals dan semi-finished metal products.
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Metal Testing Methods
Pada umumnya, logam diuji menurut standar tertentu. Metal standards are important when it comes to consistency and reproducibility of results obtained from mechanical metals testing. They ensure that test methods are standardized and reproducible, so that the mechanical properties of these metals can be reliably evaluated. Hal ini sangat penting untuk jaminan kualitas, penelitian dan pengembangan, pemilihan material, dan tujuan perhitungan desain di banyak industri, termasuk otomotif, aerospaces, konstruksi, dan banyak lagi.
Standar yang paling penting untuk pengujian logam mekanis meliputi:
- ASTM E8 / ISO 6892-1: standar ini menetapkan metode pengujian untuk tensile strength, yield strength, strain dan reduksi area cross-sectional dari metals. Mereka mendefinisikan prosedur untuk tensile tests pada spesimen logam standar pada suhu kamar dan memungkinkan penentuan sifat mekanik yang penting. Standar ASTM E21 / ISO 6892-2 menentukan uji tarik pada logam pada suhu tinggi.
- ASTM E23 / ISO 148-1: standar ini mencakup Charpy impact test method untuk metals. Tes ini mengukur kekuatan dan ketahanan suatu bahan ketika mengalami beban benturan.
- ASTM E399 / ISO 12135: standar ini menetapkan metode untuk penentuan crack initiation dan crack growth resistance properties dari metals.
- Hardness tests pada logam dijelaskan dalam standar ISO 6508 / ASTM E18 (Rockwell), ISO 6507 / ASTM E384 (Vickers), ASTM E92 (Vickers & Knoop) dan ISO 6506, ASTM E10 (Brinell).
Test methods untuk heavy plate
Short description | Standards |
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) |
Metals | Hardness Rockwell |
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers |
Metals | Hardness Brinell |
Metals | Flexure test |
Metals | Fracture mechanics crack growth da/dN |
Metals | Fracture mechanics critical stress intensity factor K1C |
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy |
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy & Izod |
Metals | Hardness Leeb |
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) |
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) |
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop |
Test methods untuk sheet metal dan strips
Short description | Standards |
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test to Erichsen & Olsen |
Metals | Sheet metal | Earing test |
Metals | Sheet metal | Hole expansion test, edge crack sensitivity |
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) |
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, forming limit curve (FLC) |
Metals | Sheet metal | Earing test, Fukui |
Metals | Hardness Rockwell |
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) |
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, bulge |
Metals | Hardness Vickers |
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, VW test |
Metals | Hardness Brinell |
Metals | Flexure test |
Metals | Sheet metal | r-value |
Metals | Sheet metal | n-value |
Metals | Fracture mechanics crack growth da/dN |
Metals | Fracture mechanics critical stress intensity factor K1C |
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy |
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy & Izod |
Metals | Hardness Leeb |
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) |
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) |
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop |
Test methods untuk thin sheet metal
Short description | Standards |
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test to Erichsen & Olsen |
Metals | Sheet metal | Earing test |
Metals | Sheet metal | Hole expansion test, edge crack sensitivity |
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, forming limit curve (FLC) |
Metals | Sheet metal | Earing test, Fukui |
Metals | Hardness Rockwell |
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) |
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, bulge |
Metals | Hardness Vickers |
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, VW test |
Metals | Hardness Brinell |
Metals | Sheet metal | r-value |
Metals | Sheet metal | n-value |
Metals | Hardness Leeb |
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) |
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) |
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop |
Test methods untuk bars dan rods
Short description | Standards |
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) |
Metals | Hardness Rockwell |
Metals | Hardness Jominy end quench test (Jominy test) |
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers |
Metals | Hardness Brinell |
Metals | Flexure test |
Metals | Fracture mechanics crack growth da/dN |
Metals | Fracture mechanics critical stress intensity factor K1C |
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy |
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy & Izod |
Metals | Concrete-reinforcing steel | Tensile, flexure dan fatigue test |
Metals | Concrete-reinforcing steel | Shear test |
Metals | Hardness Leeb |
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) |
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) |
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop |
Test methods untuk wire dan cable
Short description | Standards |
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) |
Metals | Hardness Rockwell |
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers |
Metals | Hardness Brinell |
Metals | Flexure test |
Metals | Steel strands | Tensile dan fatigue test |
Metals | Hardness Leeb |
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) |
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) |
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop |
Test methods untuk castings dan forgings
Short description | Standards |
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) |
Metals | Hardness Rockwell |
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers |
Metals | Hardness Brinell |
Metals | Fracture mechanics crack growth da/dN |
Metals | Fracture mechanics critical stress intensity factor K1C |
Metals | Hardness Leeb |
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) |
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) |
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop |
Test methods untuk fasteners
Short description | Standards |
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) |
Metals | Hardness Rockwell |
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers |
Metals | Hardness Brinell |
Metals | Flexure test |
Metals | Threaded fasteners | Tensile, test force, impact, hardness dan torsion test |
Metals | Nuts | Test force, hardness dan widening test |
Metals | Threaded fasteners | Fatigue test |
Metals | Hardness Leeb |
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) |
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) |
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop |
Test methods untuk tubes dan pipes
Short description | Standards |
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Tubes | Ring tensile test |
Metals | Tubes | Tube-flattening test |
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test |
Metals | Tubes | Flanging test |
Metals | Tubes | Ring-expanding test |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) |
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) |
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) |
Metals | Hardness Rockwell |
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers |
Metals | Hardness Brinell |
Metals | Flexure test |
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy |
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy & Izod |
Metals | Drop weight test |
Metals | Hardness Leeb |
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) |
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) |
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) |
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop |
Metal testing machines dari ZwickRoell
Metal testing machines kami dirancang untuk persyaratan metals testing khusus dan mencakup berbagai macam pengujian mekanis:
- Universal testing machines mengukur nilai yang akurat dan dapat diandalkan untuk sifat stress-strain
- Dynamic testing machines digunakan untuk tes siklik
- Hardness testers mengukur kekerasan material sesuai dengan berbagai metode pengujian
- Pendulum impact testers untuk pengujian logam digunakan untuk menentukan nilai kekuatan impak, biasanya dalam uji impak batang berlekuk Charpy atau Izod
- Creep testing machines mengukur perilaku mulur pada suhu sekitar dan pada suhu operasi
- Sheet metal testing machines mengukur nilai karakteristik yang diperlukan untuk pengembangan dan karakterisasi lembaran logam