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ZwickRoell Science Award

For more than ten years, the ZwickRoell Science Award has honored current, outstanding science projects that make a valuable contribution to broadening the understanding of materials testing in various scientific disciplines. Through interaction and discussions with scientists we are continuously gaining valuable insights into where research progress is currently being made within the field of materials and components testing. Even we are continuously surprised to find new ways in which materials testing machines are being used. These insights help us to provide better solutions for our customers.

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ZwickRoell Science Award 2023

Have you published interesting scientific work in the area of materials testing? ZwickRoell awards this distinction to authors of scientific papers on the most innovative uses of materials testing machines. Submission deadline is January 31, 2024.

Information about the ZwickRoell Science Award 2024 will be published as soon as possible.


  • 1st place: Paul Roell Medal and €5,000
  • 2nd place: € 2,000
  • 3rd place: € 1,000

You can find more information on the ZwickRoell Science Award in our flyer. We look forward to your submissions!

Science Award Flyer

You are welcome to submit your publication in writing via e-mail or to the following mailing address:

ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG
August-Nagel-Str. 11
89079 Ulm, Germany
E-mail: scienceaward@zwickroell.com


Who can participate?
What scientific works can be submitted?
What kind of document should I send if I want to participate?
Can I only participate when a ZwickRoell testing machines was used?
How old can the paper be?
How will the winners be determined?

Who can participate?

The first author of a scientific paper (regardless of whether he/she is still working at the university or research institution). Either you are currently working on you PhD or you have had you PhD for no more than 10 years.

What scientific works can be submitted?


You can participate with almost any type of composition, e.g. research and conference articles, posters and scientific papers (already published or still in progress). You can only submit one paper.


What kind of document should I send if I want to participate?

The journal essay and a brief autobiography.

Can I only participate when a ZwickRoell testing machines was used?

No, every brand of materials testing machines can be used in the scientific work.

How old can the paper be?

The year of publication must be 2021, 2022, 2023 or 2024.

How will the winners be determined?

A panel of judges (ZwickRoell experts committee and 3 internationally acknowledged professors) will nominate the winners.

Academia Day
Over the years, ZwickRoell Academia Day has become an important event for science and industry where new opportunities and possibilities in intelligent materials testing are discussed.
to Academia Day

Have you published interesting scientific work in the area of materials testing?

We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact us
