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Materials Testing

Non-destructive and destructive material testing/material testing examines the mechanical strength of a material until it breaks or reaches a certain deformation. The tests can take place under different environmental conditions.

Through material characteristic values materials testing delivers a clear definition of the material properties, which in turn allows for the comparison between different materials.

Materials testing is not only performed at research institutes, it also helps companies obtain valuable knowledge for the development of new products, and the improvement of existing products.

Overview of test types Destructive materials testing Non-destructive materials testing
Testing machines for static tests Testing machines for dynamic tests

Standardized test methods (e.g. by ASTM and ISO) play a central role in mechanical materials testing and component testing and are recognized worldwide to ensure quality and safety in various industries. They provide precise specifications for test procedures, test conditions and test equipment:

Overview of standards

Tensile Testing
to Tensile Testing
Compression testing
and compression testing machines
to Compression testing
Flexure Testing
to Flexure Testing
Fatigue test
Definition and description
to Fatigue test
Fracture mechanics
Crack growth, crack propagation and crack arrestability
to Fracture mechanics
Hardness testing and hardness testing methods
to Hardness testing and hardness testing methods
Impact Testing
to Impact Testing
Drop weight test
to Drop weight test
Creep Test
to Creep Test
Biaxial Test
to Biaxial Test
High-Speed Tensile Test
to High-Speed Tensile Test
Test methods for sheet metal forming
to Test methods for sheet metal forming
Component Testing
to Component Testing

Test Methods for Materials Testing

There are a variety of test methods that can be applied in materials testing:

  • In (quasi-) static testing or static materials testing loading on the specimen is slow and constant. In static materials testing the strength and deformation behavior of specimens and components, predominantly subjected to tension, compression, and flexure, as well as shearing or torsion, is determined. Static materials testing, relative to dynamic materials testing is performed with lower test speeds.


  • For dynamic testing the specimen is subjected to an impact load or the load periodically influences the specimen over a longer period of time. Dynamic materials testing refers to the (destructive) test on materials or components, which is performed with quick movement (dynamic). Examples include pendulum impact testers, drop weight testers, high-speed tests (puncture or high-speed tensile tests).


  • Cyclic materials testing/fatigue testing: in cyclic materials testing, loading on the specimen takes place in continuously recurring load cycles. Depending on the machine, these load cycles can be in the form of tensile/compression, pulsating or alternating load in sinusoidal shape, triangle shape, etc.

Destructive Testing

In destructive testing, specimens are machined from a material and tested for mechanical or chemical loads. The specimen is destroyed or altered (on the surface). After the test, the tested component, or material specimen can no longer be used.

Destructive materials testing plays a particularly important role in the automotive and aerospace industries, since material fatigue presents a very high risk factor in these sectors. At the same time, materials and components testing has become indispensable in the medical industry.

In most test methods the specimen is destroyed:

Non-Destructive Testing

In non-destructive testing (NDT), the quality of a specimen is tested without damaging it. In this way it can be ensured that the material quality is high enough for further processing and that it can reliably withstand loads for the long-term.

Non-destructive test methods include:

Parts and Components of a Materials Testing Machine

Fundamentally all materials testing machines have comparable parts and components. Many different components are adapted to the load frame:

Electronics Specimen grips Extensometers Load cells Testing software

Standardized test methods in mechanical materials testing

Materials testing includes a variety of test methods with which the behavior and material characteristics of standard specimen materials or finished parts and components (components testing) under mechanical, thermal or chemical loads are determined. The requirements for the test procedures differ in the various industries and are mainly defined in ISO standards and ASTM standards, but also in industry-specific standards and manufacturers' factory standards.

Here you will find an overview of important standardized test methods in mechanical materials testing and component testing:

Products for Static Materials Testing

The ZwickRoell Group is the world's leading supplier/manufacturer of testing machines for static materials testing, specially designed for tensile tests, compression tests, flexure tests, shear tests and torsion tests.

Our static materials testing machines are suitable for testing applications in all areas, whether in quality control or research projects, delivering outstanding performance in challenging materials and components testing.

Products for Dynamic Materials Testing

For decades, the ZwickRoell Group has been successfully providing solutions for dynamic materials testing. Our experts work hand in hand with our customers, and therefore guarantee the perfect solution for every industry.

Products for dynamic materials testing
