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Metals Testing

Metals testing is of great significance around the world, as metals are key materials for construction and will continue to be in the future. A high percentage of steel materials can be recycled many times over and are therefore considered sustainable. Knowledge of their characteristic material data is essential for designers and end users. The material data is obtained from mechanical-technological materials testing, whereby metal testing machines load the materials until they fail. Testing machines from the ZwickRoell Group ensure reproducible and reliable test results. This is based on internationally standardized metal testing methods in accordance with ISO standards and ASTM standards.

Learn more about our most important metal testing methods and our metal testing machines:

Heavy plate Sheet metal and strips Thin sheet metal Bars and rods Wires and cables Castings and forgings Fastening elements Tubes

Our specialists in our application testing laboratories test new products and carry out tests for our customers. In this way, they validate the suitability of the test equipment for the required test types. ZwickRoell is closely involved in the development of standards at national and international levels through its participation in various standards committees, e.g. in the field of metals and semi-finished metal products.

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Metal Testing Methods

In most cases, metals are tested according to a specific standard. Metal standards are important when it comes to consistency and reproducibility of results obtained from mechanical metals testing. They ensure that test methods are standardized and reproducible, so that the mechanical properties of these metals can be reliably evaluated. This is critical for quality assurance, research and development, material selection and design calculation purposes in many industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction, and more.

The most important standards for mechanical metals testing include:

  • ASTM E8 / ISO 6892-1: these standards establish the test methods for tensile strength, yield strength, strain and reduction of the cross-sectional area of metals. They define the procedure for tensile tests on standardized metal specimens at room temperature and enable the determination of important mechanical properties. The ASTM E21 / ISO 6892-2 standards define the tensile test on metals at high temperatures.
  • ASTM E23 / ISO 148-1: these standards cover the Charpy impact test method for metals. The test measures the strength and resistance of a material when subjected to impact loads.
  • ASTM E399 / ISO 12135: these standards establish the method for determination of the crack initiation and crack growth resistance properties of metals.
  • Hardness tests on metals are described in standards ISO 6508 / ASTM E18 (Rockwell), ISO 6507 / ASTM E384 (Vickers), ASTM E92 (Vickers & Knoop) and ISO 6506, ASTM E10 (Brinell).

Test methods for heavy plate

Short description Standards
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) ISO 12111, ASTM E2368
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ISO 6892-1
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test DIN 50125
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ISO 6892-2
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ASTM E21
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ASTM E8
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) ISO 12106, ASTM E606
Metals | Hardness Rockwell ISO 6508, ASTM E18
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) ISO 1099, ASTM E466-15, DIN 50100
Metals | Hardness Vickers ISO 6507, ASTM E384
Metals | Hardness Brinell ISO 6506, ASTM E10
Metals | Flexure test ISO 7438, ISO 8491
Metals | Fracture mechanics crack growth da/dN ASTM D647
Metals | Fracture mechanics critical stress intensity factor K1C ASTM E399
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy ISO 148-1
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy & Izod ASTM E23
Metals | Hardness Leeb ISO 16859, ASTM A965
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) EN 10328
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) DIN 50190-3
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) ISO 2639
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop ASTM E92

Test methods for sheet metal and strips

Short description Standards
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) ISO 12111, ASTM E2368
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test to Erichsen & Olsen ISO 20482, ASTM E643-86
Metals | Sheet metal | Earing test ISO 11531, DIN EN 1669
Metals | Sheet metal | Hole expansion test, edge crack sensitivity ISO 16630
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ISO 6892-1
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test DIN 50125
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ISO 6892-2
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ASTM E21
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ASTM E8
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) ISO 12106, ASTM E606
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, forming limit curve (FLC) ISO 12004
Metals | Sheet metal | Earing test, Fukui JIS Z2249
Metals | Hardness Rockwell ISO 6508, ASTM E18
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) ISO 1099, ASTM E466-15, DIN 50100
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, bulge ISO 16808
Metals | Hardness Vickers ISO 6507, ASTM E384
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, VW test PV 1054
Metals | Hardness Brinell ISO 6506, ASTM E10
Metals | Flexure test ISO 7438, ISO 8491
Metals | Sheet metal | r-value ISO 10113
Metals | Sheet metal | n-value ISO 10275
Metals | Fracture mechanics crack growth da/dN ASTM D647
Metals | Fracture mechanics critical stress intensity factor K1C ASTM E399
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy ISO 148-1
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy & Izod ASTM E23
Metals | Hardness Leeb ISO 16859, ASTM A965
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) EN 10328
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) DIN 50190-3
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) ISO 2639
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop ASTM E92

Test methods for thin sheet metal

Short description Standards
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) ISO 12111, ASTM E2368
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test to Erichsen & Olsen ISO 20482, ASTM E643-86
Metals | Sheet metal | Earing test ISO 11531, DIN EN 1669
Metals | Sheet metal | Hole expansion test, edge crack sensitivity ISO 16630
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ISO 6892-1
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test DIN 50125
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ISO 6892-2
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ASTM E21
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ASTM E8
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, forming limit curve (FLC) ISO 12004
Metals | Sheet metal | Earing test, Fukui JIS Z2249
Metals | Hardness Rockwell ISO 6508, ASTM E18
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) ISO 1099, ASTM E466-15, DIN 50100
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, bulge ISO 16808
Metals | Hardness Vickers ISO 6507, ASTM E384
Metals | Sheet metal | Cupping test, VW test PV 1054
Metals | Hardness Brinell ISO 6506, ASTM E10
Metals | Sheet metal | r-value ISO 10113
Metals | Sheet metal | n-value ISO 10275
Metals | Hardness Leeb ISO 16859, ASTM A965
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) EN 10328
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) DIN 50190-3
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) ISO 2639
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop ASTM E92

Test methods for bars and rods

Short description Standards
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) ISO 12111, ASTM E2368
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ISO 6892-1
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test DIN 50125
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ISO 6892-2
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ASTM E21
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ASTM E8
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) ISO 12106, ASTM E606
Metals | Hardness Rockwell ISO 6508, ASTM E18
Metals | Hardness Jominy end quench test (Jominy test) ISO 642, ASTM A255
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) ISO 1099, ASTM E466-15, DIN 50100
Metals | Hardness Vickers ISO 6507, ASTM E384
Metals | Hardness Brinell ISO 6506, ASTM E10
Metals | Flexure test ISO 7438, ISO 8491
Metals | Fracture mechanics crack growth da/dN ASTM D647
Metals | Fracture mechanics critical stress intensity factor K1C ASTM E399
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy ISO 148-1
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy & Izod ASTM E23
Metals | Concrete-reinforcing steel | Tensile, flexure and fatigue test ISO 15630-1, ASTM E488, BS 4449
Metals | Concrete-reinforcing steel | Shear test ISO 15630-2
Metals | Hardness Leeb ISO 16859, ASTM A965
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) EN 10328
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) DIN 50190-3
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) ISO 2639
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop ASTM E92

Test methods for wire and cable

Short description Standards
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) ISO 12111, ASTM E2368
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ISO 6892-1
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test DIN 50125
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ASTM E8
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) ISO 12106, ASTM E606
Metals | Hardness Rockwell ISO 6508, ASTM E18
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) ISO 1099, ASTM E466-15, DIN 50100
Metals | Hardness Vickers ISO 6507, ASTM E384
Metals | Hardness Brinell ISO 6506, ASTM E10
Metals | Flexure test ISO 7438, ISO 8491
Metals | Steel strands | Tensile and fatigue test ISO 15630-3, ASTM A416, ASTM A1061
Metals | Hardness Leeb ISO 16859, ASTM A965
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) EN 10328
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) DIN 50190-3
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) ISO 2639
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop ASTM E92

Test methods for castings and forgings

Short description Standards
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) ISO 12111, ASTM E2368
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ISO 6892-1
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test DIN 50125
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ISO 6892-2
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ASTM E21
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ASTM E8
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) ISO 12106, ASTM E606
Metals | Hardness Rockwell ISO 6508, ASTM E18
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) ISO 1099, ASTM E466-15, DIN 50100
Metals | Hardness Vickers ISO 6507, ASTM E384
Metals | Hardness Brinell ISO 6506, ASTM E10
Metals | Fracture mechanics crack growth da/dN ASTM D647
Metals | Fracture mechanics critical stress intensity factor K1C ASTM E399
Metals | Hardness Leeb ISO 16859, ASTM A965
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) EN 10328
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) DIN 50190-3
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) ISO 2639
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop ASTM E92

Test methods for fasteners

Short description Standards
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) ISO 12111, ASTM E2368
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ISO 6892-1
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test DIN 50125
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ASTM E8
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) ISO 12106, ASTM E606
Metals | Hardness Rockwell ISO 6508, ASTM E18
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) ISO 1099, ASTM E466-15, DIN 50100
Metals | Hardness Vickers ISO 6507, ASTM E384
Metals | Hardness Brinell ISO 6506, ASTM E10
Metals | Flexure test ISO 7438, ISO 8491
Metals | Threaded fasteners | Tensile, test force, impact, hardness and torsion test ISO 898-1, ISO 3506-1, ASTM F606-1
Metals | Nuts | Test force, hardness and widening test ISO 898-2, ISO 3506-2, ASTM F606-2
Metals | Threaded fasteners | Fatigue test ISO 3800, DIN 969, MIL-STD-1312
Metals | Hardness Leeb ISO 16859, ASTM A965
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) EN 10328
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) DIN 50190-3
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) ISO 2639
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop ASTM E92

Test methods for tubes and pipes

Short description Standards
Metals | Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) ISO 12111, ASTM E2368
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ISO 6892-1
Metals | Tubes | Ring tensile test ISO 8496, DIN 50138
Metals | Tubes | Tube-flattening test ISO 8492, DIN 50136
Metals | Specimens | Tensile test DIN 50125
Metals | Tubes | Flanging test ISO 8494, DIN 50139
Metals | Tubes | Ring-expanding test ISO 8495, DIN 50137
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ISO 6892-2
Metals | Tensile test (elevated temperature) ASTM E21
Metals | Tensile test (ambient temperature) ASTM E8
Metals | Low cycle fatigue test (LCF) ISO 12106, ASTM E606
Metals | Hardness Rockwell ISO 6508, ASTM E18
Metals | Fatigue test (S-N curve test) ISO 1099, ASTM E466-15, DIN 50100
Metals | Hardness Vickers ISO 6507, ASTM E384
Metals | Hardness Brinell ISO 6506, ASTM E10
Metals | Flexure test ISO 7438, ISO 8491
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy ISO 148-1
Metals | Notched specimen impact test Charpy & Izod ASTM E23
Metals | Drop weight test DIN EN 10274, API 5L
Metals | Hardness Leeb ISO 16859, ASTM A965
Metals | Hardness surface hardness depth (SHD), effective hardening depth (DS) EN 10328
Metals | Hardness nitriding hardness depth (NHD) DIN 50190-3
Metals | Hardness case hardness depth (CHD) ISO 2639
Metals | Hardness Vickers & Knoop ASTM E92
Metal standards
ASTM and ISO standards for materials testing on metals, including ISO 6892-1 / ASTM E8, ISO 6892-2 / ASTM E21, ISO 148-1 / ASTM E399, hardness testing standards, and more,
to Metal standards
Heavy plate
ZwickRoell offers materials testing machines for a variety of tests on heavy plates. These include tensile tests, flexure tests, and hardness tests.
to Heavy plate
Sheet metals and strips
Sheet metal testing with ZwickRoell: ZwickRoell offers testing systems for tensile tests, flexure tests, and hardness testing— from manual systems to fully automated systems.
to Sheet metals and strips
Thin sheet
From tensile tests to sheet metal testing and hardness testing— ZwickRoell offers a wide range of materials testing machines for testing thin sheet and strips.
to Thin sheet
Bars and rods
From tensile testing and hardness testing to fatigue testing— ZwickRoell offers the right products for testing metal bars and rods
to Bars and rods
Wires and cables
ZwickRoell offers and extensive range of products for tensile testing on wires and cables
to Wires and cables
Castings and forgings
Overview of relevant test methods and test solutions for cast and forged parts
to Castings and forgings
ZwickRoell offers a wide range of solutions for weld seam tests or testing of riveted joints.
to Fasteners
ZwickRoell offers numerous testing machines specifically designed for the testing of pipes.
to Tubes

Metal testing machines from ZwickRoell

Our metal testing machines are designed for special metals testing requirements and cover a wide range of mechanical tests:

Universal testing machines
From 0.5 to 5,000 kN
to Universal testing machines
Dynamic Fatigue Testing Machines
to Dynamic Fatigue Testing Machines
Hardness testers
Hardness testers for hardness testing of metals, ceramics and plastics
to Hardness testers
Pendulum impact tester and drop weight testers
to Pendulum impact tester and drop weight testers
Creep testing machines
Long-term at ambient and high temperature up to +2,200°C
to Creep testing machines
Sheet metal testing machines
With the ZwickRoell BUP sheet metal testing machine, different tests and typical test methods up to 1,000 kN can be performed.
to Sheet metal testing machines

If you are looking for the optimal solution for each of your requirements, please contact our industry experts.

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