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New Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at ZwickRoell

Ping Bu Loke, 42, is the new Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Ulm-based testing machine manufacturer ZwickRoell. On January 1, 2025, he took over the position of Roland Eisenlauer, who will in turn continue to support the company from a consulting capacity. He joins Klaus Cierocki (CEO/CFO) and Christine Dübler (CSO) to complete the ZwickRoell Executive Board.

Ping Bu Loke assumes the role from Roland Eisenlauer

Before joining ZwickRoell, Loke was part of the management team at Rohde & Schwarz, where he was Head of the Corporate R&D division. Since being appointed as the designated CTO in October 2024, he has had the opportunity to familiarize himself with various departments at ZwickRoell, gain insights into companies both in Germany and abroad, and visit his first customers to deepen his understanding.

“I am thrilled to take on the responsibility for technology, development and innovation in a successful, value-driven family business. Since starting as CTO Designate, I have met many open-minded and passionate colleagues. I look forward to collaborating with them to continue inspiring our customers worldwide,” says Loke. The 42-year-old has extensive international experience and in-depth expertise in the fields of mechanical engineering, IT and innovation management. At ZwickRoell, Loke will initially assume responsibility for the areas of series and project machines as well as central software development.

“With Mr. Loke, we are not only gaining an expert in his field, but also a personality who will further develop our company with a great deal of enthusiasm and innovative spirit. The Supervisory Board was particularly impressed by his strategic vision, his clear customer focus and his background in a large family business,” said Dr. Jan Stefan Roell, majority shareholder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ZwickRoell, underlining the hiring decision.

International experience through studies in the USA

After completing his studies in the US and Germany, Loke initially worked for the Singapore Economic Development Board, where he successfully established German companies in Singapore. Since 2016, he has been responsible for the Corporate R&D division at Rohde & Schwarz in Munich. These included the areas of cross-divisional software and hardware development, engineering IT and innovation management. Loke was born and raised in Singapore, is married and has one son.

In addition to the position on the management board of ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG, Loke will also become a member of the Executive Board of ZwickRoell SE. The change in management at ZwickRoell became necessary as the previous CTO Roland Eisenlauer announced his retirement from the ZwickRoell management team in the middle of the year for personal reasons. He will continue to support the company as a consultant in the future.
