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ZwickRoell presents the highest-capacity Vibrophore in the world

With an energy consumption around 2% of that of a servo-hydraulic testing machine, Vibrophores represent a particularly cost-effective solution to determining the fatigue strength of components and materials. ZwickRoell is the first company in the world to develop a high frequency pulsator with electromagnetic drive up to 1000kN – the Vibrophore 1000.

ZwickRoell Vibrophores have proven  to be a highly economical approach to determining the fatigue life and fatigue limit of materials and components. For example, durability is determined in the fatigue test to DIN 50100 (S-N curve) in the tensile, compression, pulsating and alternating load ranges.

Typical ranges of application are fatigue tests on materials and components (e.g. bolts/screws, chains, connection rods and reinforcing steel), as well as production control and quality control of components which are subjected to dynamic loads during their lifetimes. Added to this are fracture mechanics investigations on CT (Compact Tension) and SEB (Single Edge Bending) specimens, together with tests in an extended temperature range and in liquid media, as well as dynamic torsion and flexure tests.

ZwickRoell Vibrophores are available in a force range from  5 to 1000 kN. In addition to increased capacity, the key feature of the new Vibrophore 1000 is the load-frame concept. The extremely stiff load frame consists of 4 columns, giving it excellent guiding properties. The controlled mean force is applied via two lead-screws, while a separately controlled electromagnetic drive applies the dynamic load to the specimen.

A notable feature of Vibrophores with electromagnetic drive is testing frequencies from 35 to 300 Hz, with an energy consumption only 2% (approx.) of that of a servo-hydraulic testing machine. A further advantage is that no additional power packs are required for hydraulics, compressed air or water. Due to the electromagnetic drive the systems are regarded as wear-free and generate lower noise emissions than comparable unbalanced-mass systems.
