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Specialization Course for testXpert III

This training course is designed for operators of ZwickRoell materials testing machines, in particular for advanced users with very good prior knowledge of the ZwickRoell testing software. Following the specialization course, we recommend that you participate in the optional practical application day to consolidate and deepen the information you have learned in theory.

Course dates and sign up

Date Title Place Language
07/30 – 07/31/2024 ical testXpert III Specialization Course DE-Ulm DE
07/30/2024 – 08/01/2024 ical testXpert III Specialization Course, incl. additional Practical Application Day DE-Ulm DE
09/17 – 09/19/2024 ical testXpert III Specialization Course, incl. additional Practical Application Day DE-Ulm DE
09/17 – 09/18/2024 ical testXpert III Specialization Course DE-Ulm DE
11/19 – 11/21/2024 ical testXpert III Specialization Course, incl. additional Practical Application Day DE-Ulm DE
11/19 – 11/20/2024 ical testXpert III Specialization Course DE-Ulm DE

Course objectives

  • In-depth configuration knowledge on the testXpert testing software
  • Expanded knowledge of materials testing
  • Understanding and implementation of standards
  • Detection of test errors and possible causes

The additional practical application day reinforces the content of the specialization course so that you can gain a better understanding of the safe and efficient use of your materials testing machine. In addition you will learn...

  • Performance of maintenance tasks on a testing machine
  • Verification/checking of components and extensometers
  • Analysis of errors

Course content

In the specialization course you will be trained on the following content:

Deep insight into the testing software

  • Use of start parameters
  • Channel values in the TRS with corresponding events
  • Advanced system configuration settings
  • Backup of important software data and installation instructions

Understand and implement standards

  • Test procedure
  • Calibration and accuracy classes
  • Environmental conditions
  • Specimen preparation
  • Cross-section measurement
  • Testing equipment

Effect on test due to incorrect component assembly, improper settings, or inadequate specimen preparation.

During the additional practical application day, you will be trained on the following content:

  • Use of different extensometers and their mode of operation
  • Regular maintenance of a testing machine and its components
  • Regular verification/checks of a testing machine and its components
  • Error detection, analysis and correction

Duration and location of training course

The specialization course takes 2 days with an additional 3rd practical application day.

In addition to our headquarters in Ulm, ZwickRoell Academy also offers this training course at many other locations. Training course dates and locations can be found in the overview above, where you can also easily and conveniently complete the online registration.

Cost for training course

The training course cost includes the fee for the training and all course materials, as well as lunch and refreshments daily. For your professional development and qualification, we provide you with a personal certificate that includes the scope of the training course and learning content.

  • Training location ZwickRoell Academy Ulm: EUR 1,300
  • Training location ZwickRoell Academy Haan: EUR 1,490
  • Training locations in Switzerland: EUR 1,880
  • Other training locations: EUR 1,610
  • The fee for the additional practical application day is 940 euros.

Take advantage of this opportunity and benefit from the additional practical application day directly following the specialization course.

With the practical application day you can consolidate and deepen the contents of the specialization course.

Based on practical content and exercises, you deepen the information learned and get a better understanding for reliable and efficient use of your testing system.

Other interesting training courses

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