
ASTM D256:塑膠的Izod缺口衝擊強度

ASTM D256 標準描述了依據 Izod 法的衝擊試驗,以測定塑膠的抗擺錘衝擊性能。在 ASTM 範圍內,塑膠的擺錘衝擊強度通常使用 ASTM D256 的 Izod 試驗來測量。彎曲衝擊應力施加到一端被夾持住的缺口試樣上。該結果表示為試樣與厚度相關的能量吸收。

ISO 180和 ASTM D4508 標準中也描述了 Izod 衝擊試驗。

目標及應用 方法 A 到 E 試樣和尺寸 測試性能 影片 其他相關標準 區別 Izod & Charpy 衝擊強度計算 測試系統 常見問題解答

ASTM D256 測試方法的目的及應用

ASTM D256懸臂樑式缺口衝擊試驗以厚度相關能量值的形式生成高應變率下的 抗衝擊性和缺口敏感性特徵值。根據 ASTM D618,測試通常在 23°/50% 相對濕度的正常氣候下進行。


  • 不同成型材料間的比較
  • 進貨檢驗和品質保證範圍內的公差監測
  • 針對已加工成品的零件測試
  • 建立材料卡
  • 老化效應測量

Izod 缺口衝擊測試也作為儀器化測試提供,即具有快速的力測量。不過,尚未有此方面的標準。

ASTM D256 - 一個涉及各種測試方法的標準


  • Method A is used for plastics with an Izod notched impact strength greater than or equal to 27 J/m. In this case, a notch radius of 0.25 mm is used. The result is calculated directly from the height of rise of the pendulum hammer after the impact.
  • Method C is used for very brittle plastic materials with an Izod notched impact strength of less than 27 J/m. It corresponds to Method A, however the measured impact energy is corrected by the amount of the calculated centrifugal work of the specimen.
  • Method D is used to characterize the notch sensitivity of a polymer material. Here, the notched impact strength is measured on specimens with different notch radii, and the notch sensitivity is calculated as a linear gradient over the notch radius.
  • 對於此方法,將夾持試樣並旋轉180°,使缺口的位置相對於衝擊方向。該結果只能條件性地與無缺口試樣測試進行相比。

ASTM D256試樣及尺寸

符合ASTM D256標準的試樣外部尺寸被規定為長2.5英寸(63.5 mm),高0.5英寸(12.5 mm)。對於由組件加工成的試樣,其組件的壁厚通常決定了寬度。

  • For the commonly used Method A, a notch with a radius of 0.25 mm and an angle of 45° is milled into the specimen so that a height of 0.40 in (10.16 mm) remains at the base of the notch.
  • If the notch sensitivity is to be measured according to Method D, the specimens must be prepared with different notch radii. In addition to the standard notch according to Method A, specimens are machined with a notch radius of 0.04 in (1.0 mm).

The ZNO motorized notch cutting machine with a standard-compliant single tooth cutter is available for notch preparation. For smaller specimen quantities, we recommend the manual notching plane with automatic infeed movement.

For the test, it is important that the notch is placed exactly in the area of the greatest bending moment. Therefore, the specimens are either positioned using a height stop, or precisely and reliably aligned with a notch alignment unit integrated in the impact fixture.

根據 ASTM D256 執行Izod 懸臂梁缺口衝擊試驗



影片: 用於塑膠測試的擺錘衝擊試驗機

ZwickRoell HIT 系列用於塑膠產業的擺錘衝擊試驗機提供高精度且符合成本效益的解決方案。 擺錘衝擊試驗機的範圍為 5 至 50 焦耳,不僅能夠符合 ASTM D256 抗懸臂擺錘式衝擊標準的性能,還可以根據 ASTM、ISO 和 DIN 標準進行夏比、Dynstat 和拉伸衝擊測試。



自動測試系統 聯繫我們

Other standards for measurement of the Izod impact resistance and notched impact resistance

  • ASTM D4812,一種用於測量無缺口試樣衝擊強度的Izod測試方法
  • ASTM D4508,一種用於測量小試片(薄片衝擊)的Izod式測試,它與符合 DIN 53435 的 Dynstat 彎曲衝擊測試相對應。
  • ISO 180 描述了用於測定塑料衝擊強度和缺口衝擊強度的Izod衝擊試驗。它以橫截面相關值的形式提供高應變率下衝擊強度的特徵值。



  • ASTM 標準中通常使用Izod 測試法,其中試樣被垂直放置。
  • 採用三點彎曲佈置的Charpy 衝擊試驗為 ISO 標準中的首選方法。
  • 這兩種方法都用於測量缺口衝擊強度,為此帶缺口的試樣被衝擊,使缺口位於由衝擊所引起的彎曲拉伸區。 對於Izod懸臂梁試驗,此拉伸區域位於擺錘的衝擊側,而對於Charpy試驗則位於相反側。
  • Charpy 法在低溫下進行測試時具有多種優勢,因為擺錘衝擊試驗機中試樣的接觸點距離擺錘的衝擊點相對較遠。如此一來,溫度就不會受到位於相關區域支撐件的影響或降低,並且可以輕鬆地從溫箱供給試樣。


A conventional Charpy or Izod impact test, measures the impact energy emitted by a pendulum hammer when striking through the specimen. This energy can easily be determined from the difference between the release height of the pendulum hammer and its height of rise after the impact. In the ISO standards, the impact energy is related to the cross-sectional area of the specimen and given in [kJ/m²], while in ASTM standards it is common to relate this energy to the thickness of the specimen to indicate an impact strength value, for example, in [ft lbf/in].


When testing an unnotched specimen, the result is called impact strength or impact resistance, while tests carried out on notched specimens determine their notched impact strength or resistance.

Optimale Integration der Prüfung nach ASTM D256 durch die Prüfsoftware testXpert

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  • Die Messung der Probendimensionen nach ASTM D256 ist integriert: Restbreite, Höhe und Breite der Probe werden beim Messen auf Knopfdruck vom Messgerät an testXpert weitergeleitet.
  • Alle Kennwerte aus Schlagzähigkeitsprüfung nach ASTM D256, Zugprüfung, Biegeprüfung und Fließprüfung werden gemeinsam in einer Datenbank gespeichert. Die Prüfdaten sind einfach wiederzufinden, auszuwerten und zu vergleichen – über alle Anwendungen hinweg. Der Zugriff erfolgt einfach über Webbrowser – von wo immer Sie möchten.
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用於測試 ASTM D256 的相關產品


塑膠 | Charpy 衝擊強度測試
ISO 179-1、ISO 179-2
到 塑膠 | Charpy 衝擊強度測試
塑膠 | 衝擊強度 Izod
ISO 180
到 塑膠 | 衝擊強度 Izod
塑膠 | 衝擊測試,拉伸
ISO 8256、ASTM D1822
到 塑膠 | 衝擊測試,拉伸

Frequently asked questions about Izod impact strength to ASTM D256

ASTM D256 is the international standard for determination of the impact strength of plastic and insulation materials.

The ASTM D256 standard describes impact testing using the Izod test method for determination of the impact strength and notched impact strength of plastics. Izod impact tests are also described in standards ISO 180 and ASTM D4508.

ASTM D256懸臂樑缺口衝擊試驗以厚度相關能量值的形式生成高應變率下的抗衝擊性 和缺口敏感性特徵值。根據 ASTM D618,測試通常在 23°/50% 相對濕度的正常氣候下進行。

It is used to determine the comparability of different molding compounds, tolerance monitoring within the scope of goods inwards checks and quality assurance, testing of finished parts based on machined specimens, creation of material cards and for measurement of aging effects.

  • ASTM D256懸臂樑缺口衝擊試驗以厚度相關能量值的形式生成高應變率下的抗衝擊性 和缺口敏感性特徵值。
  • ASTM D4812,一種用於測量無缺口試樣衝擊強度的Izod測試方法
  • ASTM D4508,一種用於測量小試片(薄片衝擊)的Izod式測試,它與符合 DIN 53435 的 Dynstat 彎曲衝擊測試相對應。
  • ISO 180 描述了用於測定塑料衝擊強度和缺口衝擊強度的Izod衝擊試驗。它以橫截面相關值的形式提供高應變率下衝擊強度的特徵值。

兩種測試方法都可描述塑膠材料的衝擊強度特徵。 ASTM 標準中通常使用 Izod 測試法,其中試樣被垂直放置。採用三點彎曲配置的 Charpy 法為 ISO 標準中的首選方法。

這兩種方法都用於測量缺口衝擊強度,為此帶缺口的試樣被衝擊,使缺口位於由衝擊所引起的彎曲拉伸區。針對 Izod 懸臂樑試驗,此拉伸區域位於擺錘的衝擊側:而針對 Charpy 試驗,則是位於相反側。

A Charpy or Izod impact test measures the impact energy emitted by a pendulum hammer when striking through the specimen, which can be determined from the difference between the release height of the pendulum hammer and its height of rise after the impact. In the ISO standards, the impact energy is related to the cross-sectional area of the specimen and given in [kJ/m²], while in ASTM standards this energy is related to the thickness of the specimen to indicate an impact strength value, for example, in [ft lbf/in].
